
Showing posts from July, 2022

"pinche" Is not Argentinian slang.Malvinas are Argentinian

"pinche" Is not Argentinian slang. Malvinas are Argentinian country 114 Likes 8 Comments Marissa Simons Sarah Sylvester "These are OUR rocks! We will die to protect the honour of our rocks! This is OUR grass..." The Falklands War explained by a British soldier to the local penguins, in Bloom County, 1982 Dana Newberry Pinches islas... Precious Sufiah Guess who&#

Very Charleston: A Celebration of History, Culture, and Lowcountry Charm

Very Charleston: A Celebration of History, Culture, and Lowcountry Charm ( 122 Reviews ) history books Detail: Kindle Edition Pages: 375 Language: English ISBN10: N/A ISBN13: N/A Publication Date: 14 Jun

wrong use of meme

wrong use of meme funny 94 Likes 3 Comments Tina Hernandez Bettyk Miller Gana Miftari dude Brenda Gleason Andy even starts playing with his new toy